Sunday, July 22, 2018

The music in my life...

I think that music is a separate matter in everyone's life and mine is not the exception, I enjoy music very much, listen to music all day, for me the music is a source of peace and rest.

As for my musical tastes my preferences are rock and pop from both the old school and Michel Jackson to the new school as Year & Years, I also like catchy songs, I am of that kind of people who listen to a song again and again until that  it bores them. 

I am very childish and that is why I love listening to the songs of children's films, I always hear the songs of "Tarzan, Land of Bears, Mulan, Hercules, the Sirenia,... among many others"

I do not play any instrument, but I love key instruments such as piano or keyboards, besides the violin, I like their sounds, for me sound beautiful. 

Good friends goodbye I hope you enjoy knowing a little more : 3 


1 comment:

English Language Challenges

Hello my friends, today i write my last blog of this semester, maybe this blog will be the last of my university life. Write this blog w...