Friday, August 10, 2018


the  humans are really  amazing , we can to be many things, Extremely complex and all this without realizing what we do. but as any machine sometimes we have faults or mistakes.

today, i will talk about kleptomania , this is a mental diseases related whit the control of impulses about steal things that no are need. This disorde is very strange in the poblation and is more common in women.

such as alcoholism and drug addiction, this disease has relation whit the search of pleasure,  the sensation that feel the person with the action steal is produced by the system reward cerebral, it that have relation with la liberation of neurotransmitters and hormones   " dopamine and oxytocin "

the causes of this disease the causes are not clear, and regularly they are  problemes of self-esteem, disorders of system opioide in the brain and the genetic play a important  paper in this pathology.

the treatments for this pathology inclued used of medicaments and therapys behaviorals, together for control the impulse, but this disease not have a cure.

In the day to day, this disease is a big problem in all the areas, because the not being able to control the impulse of stealing hurts the person of many for more, especially in the family life, work and social.

Well friends, what do you think about this disease? See you in the next block: 3


  1. The kleptomania is a really serious disorder
    PD: I didn't steal your phrase <3

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We catch you po', sister jajajaja


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