Friday, August 3, 2018

The most enjoyable subject...

Choose a subject is very easy for me, because  my favourite subject is "Chemestry", love all types of chemestry, organic, analitic, farmaco chemestry etc. but especially Analitic chemestry , is very funny and interesting.

i have analitic class the mondays and the fridays, in the analitic classes are many students, we are approximately 120 students and only one teacher, in a big classroom, this class  is theoretical, but is necesary for a laboratory (or practice class), in this class learn about chemical compound ans his properties, for example acid-basic , solubility or electric potencial. This content is very comfortable of studied for me, because i use many calculations and i love de numbers and all that.

The analitic chemestry is very needed in diverses area, for example in my career, we use this area for analysis of bio-stability, dopping or pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics. in other areas used  for example from analisis of composition of foods or detect heavy metals in water.

in summary know about chemestry is very importan because the chemestry this in everywhere, also is It is very useful and interesting, do you like learn chemestry?

see you in the next blog, bye my friends ....


English Language Challenges

Hello my friends, today i write my last blog of this semester, maybe this blog will be the last of my university life. Write this blog w...