Tuesday, October 2, 2018

A country I would like to visit

Hi my friends , today i will talk about somewhere that i would like to go, if i had that choose on place visit, i think that i would like to go to Europa, specifically France, Spain and Italy. For me this area is a zone rich in old  culture ( Greece , Rome,etc), besides having zone interesting tourist attractions such as the pizza tower, the Pride o the Coliseum.

My knowledge about this zone are quite scarce, but if i had to say  something about then, i believe that i would say that in this places had many old civilisations for the example the Greece civilisation, ( i relate Greece whit "los caballeros del zodiaco" XD) or Spain about this country i say that have a high population and is very hot in summer. but has good festivals.

the place that  i should visit are Spain when it is the pride, Italy  the Pizza tower, in France the Eiffel tower, but the most important  is to enjoy the trip, no?

finally, i would not like to live there sincerely, i would like to go on vacation for a long time , but not live in this country, go for example 1 month or 3 weeks. This places have many thing to do and see, but i would like to go in festival time and i do everything a can.

this is all for today friends, see you the next  blog....


English Language Challenges

Hello my friends, today i write my last blog of this semester, maybe this blog will be the last of my university life. Write this blog w...