Tuesday, November 20, 2018

My opinion....

Hello my friends today i will talk about many interesting topics tell you what I think about this topic…..
   1) What was your opinion about the legalization of aborting in the 3 cases?

Well, I am a great defender about of this thought; honestly it is a very delicate topic, but is undeniable that it a contingent issue, although I do not support free abortion, if I think abortion in the three cases is a fair measure.

  2) What was your opinion about the legalizing marijuana and other drugs?

My opinion about this topic   is basically that I consider that is a bad idea, because the people do not know how control or give good use to substances whit effect in the organism, enough we have whit alcohol and cigarettes.

3  3) What was your opinion about the climate change?

The climate change is a very contingent issue today, I consider that is very important issue, because the world is only one and we must take care, the world is our home  and we should  not allow  ourselves  harm it,  so that we must try to reduce as possible  the contamination.

4)What was your opinion about having an exotic pet at home?

My opinion about this issue is simple is not correct have exotic animals in our houses, the reason is obviously that the exotic animals do not belong to this places and taking the animal out   of this habitat  is damage to the animal.



  1. Matías,do you know if the ferrets are exotic pets? :(

  2. I agree with you on the issue of abortion


English Language Challenges

Hello my friends, today i write my last blog of this semester, maybe this blog will be the last of my university life. Write this blog w...